Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Is There An Art to Simply Simplifying?

WOW - long title to this post on this blog - see the problem, I can't even simplify a title to this post or even simply state that I can't do so - I have to make it not so simple. Have I got ya now? I live for the dream that someday life will be simple. I read books, watch tv shows, & dream about a lifestyle that allows me to breathe for a few minutes each day. I love to organize, find shortcuts, or use tools that supposedly buy me some more precious time or to simplify my hectic world.

I just spent a hour organizng files in a manner that I might actucally allow me to find something when I need it. I have more forks, spoons, & knives than I care to count & I have no clue as to why. I have more washclothes & baby washclothes than I care to even think of counting. I run around in circles all day & get nothing done & rarely feel like I had any real fun.

Please - someone tell me there is a simple way for me to simplify. I still haven't found any magic tricks yet so if you do could you give me a call. Just give me about 10 rings cause I be looking for my phone like always.

Signing off for now,

Missing Utah

For those of us who are LDS and have had the opportunity to live in UT which I affectionately call, "Mormon Country", I hope you know what I am saying when I say I miss Utah. I hated it when I first moved there, though that was mainly due to the fact I was living in the deseret and I had just assumed all of Utah was nice and cold or at least cooler than Texas.

Anyhow, a lot of Church members that I know who have lived there are glad to gone, but I must say I wouldn't mind going back. I love having a temple nearby, I love the shopping at Deseret Book & Seagull Book stores, I love DI (Deseret Industries), I love that I could go to the library and see the Ensign, New Era, & Friend magazines displayed. I REALLY miss being able to check out books from the library by LDS authors.

I don't know what the real purpose of this post is to say except that I am homesick for Utah. Still, the grass is always greener on the other side and I remember being in UT and saying how much I missed Texas.

Bye for now

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Molly Mormons in the house?

I used to hate this LDS cliche. It wasn't until late last night when I was thinking about blogging about this very cliche that I began to see it in a very different light. For me, as many of us LDS women I'm afraid, "Molly" has always been the super mormon woman, she has perfectly behaved children, an immaculate house, 3-course meals for dinner each night (well-balanced of course), she sews beautifully, scrapbooks, bakes her own bread, has her own garden & cans everything, makes sure her family all has 72-hr kits and a well-balanced year supply of food, she always does her visiting teaching the first week of the month, fulfills her callings with zeal, does her genealogy, ....well - you get the idea. I hated "Molly" - there was no way I was ever going to be her.

I just came to a realization late last night though - I don't have to be "Molly" - in fact, our Heavenly Father & Savior would rather me not. We need to be Sally, Angell, Rachel, Lindsey, whoever we are. There in no critieria for the celestial kingdom except to be the best "we" can be. Heavenly Father will understand if my best doesn't include sewing or baking my own bread. Yes, some of these things would be great. We are asked to do some of these very things. However - there is also a time and season for what we can do at one time.

So...to answer the question in the title of this post - no ther is no "Molly" in this house. There is a Sally standing proudly tall as she tries to do all that she can do.

Signing off for now,

Friday, July 27, 2007

Adult Interaction?

I think most of us moms, LDS or not, struggle with the lack of brain stimulation we get after we become moms. I know I have pretty much been a SAHM since I had my first baby & I feel like I am dumber than ever. First off -you have to understand that when we were in the pre-existence I am pretty sure I was at the end of the line when brains were handed out. Pregnancy does no favors for us women either. I personally feel that for each pregnancy I have lost at least a couple thousand brain cells & when you don't have much to start with - things can get pretty bad pretty fast. Now - the highlight of brain stimulation for my day is how to convince my two-year old that food does not make the best decor, or my 6-month old that she will survive for just a minute on the couch while I put brother to bed, so I can at least have some semblance of sanity when my husband comes home. I would love to have a conversation with someone where I can say more than "no" twenty times in a row with no semblance of response or recogintion of what I just said. My dear hubby wonders why I spend so much time online and I keep telling him that it is one of my favorite ways to stimulate my brain . After all, I would love tot talk to him but between school and work he is all talked out at the days end and that would explain why I am chatting right here, right now - in desperate hopes that some poor soul such as yourself will read this and have pity on me.

The latest & greatest on LDS culture

Well, with the coming elections, who knows what could happen. The citizens of the US may just have the opportunity to learn a little more about our culture. I am not here to say I am for or against Mitt Romney becoming President of the United States. I am here to say it is & may continure to create uniques opportunites for members and non-members alike. That being said, I would love to learn how some things originated in our LDS culture.

Here are some examples:
*Green Jello Salad
*Funeral Potatoes
*The LDS film genere

I am a tad brain-dead right now, but I know there is more. Also - why the heck is there not a merit badge for basketball. I am telling you - with the amount of time our men & young men spend playing basketball - you'd think it was a requirement for a merit badge or something.

Signing off for now,

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sacrament Mtg. Woes

Why is it that the one Sunday where almost everyone else's kiddos are quiet as mice my little man decides to be his most unruly yet? Why is it he can whiper "Amen" at the end of prayers at home yet has to shout it at the end of the sacrament prayers? Why is it the one Sunday we make the mistake of sitting near the front he manages to escape me and run up to the front and up to say hi to the speakers and bishopric?

On the other hand - I guess I should count my blessings as he loves to lead the music with his pretzels.

Sigh...someday...just maybe...I shall enjoy sacrament meeting in peace once more but I am guessing it won't be anytime soon.

Mormon Mommy Madness

Yep, that's what I suffer from; aka -ppd. I guess I should start over though. I'm Sally, currently a SAHM to two lovely children ages 2 & 6 months. I really truly do love motherhood; however - I struggle with it demands almost daily & feel it sucking the life out of me it seems.

I am soooo ready to be done having kids & yet - if you are a good mormon mommy - don't you have at least 3 or more. My hubby sure thinks so. He wants a least one more - though I am pretty sure from our conversations on the matter he'd rather have 2 or 3 more. I'm like, yeah right, want me to go insane? I'm practically there.

I can't go anywhere right now without an extra set of arms & even then it's survival of the fittest - literally. Sad thing is - my 2 yr old ususally wins. He's faster, wigglier (is that a word), & has WAYYYYY more energy than I do. I am starting to wonder if it has something to do with the cereal I give him.

I already have a bone or so to pick with Heavenly Father - like why don't you get at least one extra eye & are with each child in your family. Oh wait, I just realized I already know the answer to that . We'd look so ulgy our dear hubbies just might be forced to agree that one or two kids is enough & then where would all thc choice spirits being sent to our homes go?