Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Missing Utah

For those of us who are LDS and have had the opportunity to live in UT which I affectionately call, "Mormon Country", I hope you know what I am saying when I say I miss Utah. I hated it when I first moved there, though that was mainly due to the fact I was living in the deseret and I had just assumed all of Utah was nice and cold or at least cooler than Texas.

Anyhow, a lot of Church members that I know who have lived there are glad to gone, but I must say I wouldn't mind going back. I love having a temple nearby, I love the shopping at Deseret Book & Seagull Book stores, I love DI (Deseret Industries), I love that I could go to the library and see the Ensign, New Era, & Friend magazines displayed. I REALLY miss being able to check out books from the library by LDS authors.

I don't know what the real purpose of this post is to say except that I am homesick for Utah. Still, the grass is always greener on the other side and I remember being in UT and saying how much I missed Texas.

Bye for now


TonyaKuykendall said...

I don't think there's a person in the world that knows of DI that can't say "I love DI" without tears coming into their eyes...

My other personal favorite was the Fingerhut store in Orem... I could spend thousands in there....

I just need Brandy to move back there so I can visit.

Angie New said...

I am with you on missing Utah. What I miss mostis actually living in a neigborhood! Jonathan is 5yr old and gets so lonely. I am begining to think there is no such thing as a neighborhood in Maine!