Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ditching these ruts (or at least trying too)

I am in such a rut. I hate ruts. I am in a rut in about every area of my life. The things about them is while they aren't necessarily bad - they aren't ever really good since that usually means there is no progression. How do you break free from your ruts? What is the one area of your life you are most rut-prone?


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Marriage Mishaps

It was all I could do Sunday in RS to laugh outloud at our lesson. I was struggling because my husband & I had another arguement over a variety of issues. I was mad, hurt, & trying to figure out why he was being such a jerk. Lo & behold - it was brought to my attention that I was the jerk. Not persay in those terms but it was nonetheless made know to me what I should do to fix things between us. I loved being enlightened by the spirit.

In all reality though - marriage does have it's mishaps & moments where why we made a choice may not always be so clear. Why we do & continue to do stupid things in these important relationships that thwart what the Lord's intentions are for this sacred relationship. I am way overly critical & demanding of my husband & expect soo much from a man who gives so much & gets little in respect & praise from me. Why does everone else get my best & he get the leftovers? Why I expect him to do sooo much for me when I do so little for him? Why I feel he owes me?

Why is it I am back in 1st grade again all childlike in my demands? Why can't I just love & serve him the way I should & they way I promised I would.

Mishap - yes - rewriting the stroy from here on out - yes

I'm back with vengance...

i am a internet junkie! There - I've confessed. Sooo much info out there I want to get my hands on!. My full-time working days are now over. I am trying to start a small business - just part-time asa professional organizer, trying to homeschool my kiddos, & be invloved in all the many things I want to be invloved with - without overload. Speaking of which I have cards to finish & homeschool lessons to plan.Must go & use this time wisely as the kiddos sleep.


Friday, September 28, 2007

A plug for Camp Fire

Local or not everyone needs to see if Camp Fire is in their community. The Tejas Council here in Central TX is amazing - partly because we are slowly working on turning the whole council to the gospel. I can dream, right. I just wanted to put a little plug here for Camp Fire - especially the Tejas Council - the Club Program & Youth Volunteer Center (since they are now the programs I am in charge of).

If you happen to read this & want more info on Camp Fire please e-mail me @ volunteers@campfiretejas.org


Thursday, September 6, 2007

A little bit of everything

I am very mush missing the time I used to have to blog. I am always at work, in the car, or wishing I had 5 me minutes to spare instead of my list of things to do.

Work is going great & I love it & our family is making the adjustment well , but I didn't quite realized how "involved" this would require me to be. I have something going at least 2 times a week starting next week after hours.

Meanwhile - we are supposed to be catching up on bills with this new source of income, but my dh wants to blow it left & right. Now- I did agreee to the laptop which he got today & we are looing at getting away sometime soon but he keeps coming up with wants. ARGHHHH!

must go now before I fall asleep


Thursday, August 23, 2007

10 things about Nate

Here are some things you may not know about Nate...

1.)I had planned on a homebirth with him.
2.) He is currently sticker obsessed.
3.) He is a huge fan of canteloupe, red grapes, & gateroade.
4.) He was 9 days late.
5.) He is also obsessed with trains & Little Einsteins.
6.) He can throw a mean head butt.
7.) He would probably live in the bathtub if you'd let him.
8.) He was born in the same month as his mommy & daddy.
9.) He was born at the same hospital as his great-grandpa, his grandpa, two of his aunts, a cousin, & his big brother.
10.) He had the cutest laugh.

CampFire here I come...

Some of you may know & some of you may not but earlier this month I applied for a job for a job at CampFire. I had two interview which each went really well I felt & it seemed almost certain to me that I would get the job. I felt great about this since I really wanted the job, we need the $$, & they needed me. It seemed like a great job that would allow for some flexiblity - much needed with youg children, good $$, a great environment, fun & adult interaction , & soo much more.

I then came to the feeling that I would be okay with if I didn't get the job. I was very suprised by this as I really truly wanted the job & was pretty sure I'd be offereed the positon. I wasn't. Someone else was hired & though I was confused at all the feeling surrounding the situation - none of it made sense.

However, then came this nagging feeling that I would still get the job after I had learned I hadn't gotten it. I pushed it aside thinking that was crazy wishful thinking. It kept coming back. Out of the blue on Tuesday I got a phone call from my friend & one of the gals who works there asking if I was still interested in the job - I said yes & asked why - she said there had been some developments - she had my attention - she & her boss wanted me to come in to talk to them before 3pm if I was still interested. Everyone was asleep so I went right in. There had been some major confusion with the gal they hired on all that the job entailed so they went over the job responsiblities with me & I agreed that that was what I unserstood it to be. They said they would talk then & get back to me ASAP. I got a phone call a few hours later - they offered me the job, I accepted & tomorrow is my first day!

Did I mention I was excited?


Monday, August 20, 2007

Attachment style parenting...

I was first introduced to this term by a friend in UT. She was all the way into it! I loved the ideas & openly embraced some of them but was purly fustrated, upset, & hating myself as I struggled to embrace some of the other ideas. Some of the ideas just didn't fit me & my family. Some of them made things worse for us, in fact it seemed. I don't know when or where or how it happened, but suddenly recently - I came to the realization that I wasn't a bad mom if I only embraced some of the ideas or that I couldn't say that I had adapted that ever so new hip thing called "attachment parenting" - I had - took what I needed & moved on to the next style & have now developed what is now the new hip thing - at least for me "Sally style." & suprisingly - it works pretty good for us.

Learn from my mistakes

Need I say more. I am a big sister to 4 younger sisters who I continually try to resist the urge to use this phrase with. I have made sooo many mistakes like we all do - many of which I truly regret & some I just wish I had skipped & chosen to learn the lesson learned another way. Where do you draw the line? I know they need to learn for themselves & the experience is the best teacher but there are some experiences that they really don't need. I dread the day I have to do this with my kids.

Anyone have any suggestions?


So thankful for friends

I am sitting here after just reading comments written by a friend of mine in response to my last few blog post & thankful to have people who car enough about me to read what I write. I have discovered in the short few years I have been alive how, at least for me, friendships are one of the things that keep me going. Heavenly Father is continually sending beautiful, loving, senstitive, caring, helpful, funny people my way. Some come & some go & some stay forever, but no matter what - they all have left impressions on my heart & beautiful memories for me to cherish.

So - to all my friends out there - thank you - words will never be enough..


Saturday, August 18, 2007

26 things about me..

Since I am 26 I thought I'd shared 26 things about me...

1.) read over 100 books one summer as a kid.
2.) hate all berries; blue, black, strawberry, & so on....
3.) have had all 3 of my children with out pain meds - very empowering
4.) am strongly considering homeschooling my children
5.) have needed & used corrective lens since I was almost 8.
6.) have serious anger issues
7.) wanted to take voice lessons as a teen
8.) love to vaccum
9.) finally overcome my dear of spiders - for the most part
10.) have 4 sisters
11.) love to eat cake or brownie batter right out of the bowl
12.) middle name jean
13.) hate to sit still
14.) never shutup
15.) need to work on my listening skills
16.) miss Utah
17.) have been in 2 car accidents
18.) totaled one car
19.) barely survived one deployment
20.) hate amusement parks
21.) miss garage saling
22.) have tried Avon, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Melaleuca, as ways to work from home
23.) giving working from home another chance as I write this
24.) starting my own business as a organizer
25.) praying this works out
26.) think it will because I have found one of my passions


Random Ramblings

I have sooo much on my mind lately I have no clue where to start. October is sneaking up on my already & to me that means a lot of things - my dear dad's b-day, Halloween (practically my favorite holiday - too bad I can't trick-or-treat anymore), Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month, fall (who knows - a miracle cold happen & it might cool down here a bit), & Christmas planning.

My dad - well - he's just awesome! Poor guy is overrun by women & still manages to stay sane. He is really one of my heros! He is sooo kind & generous. He is really funny and is a GREAT listener & advice giver. Supportive. Loving. Strong in his faith. And not afraid to cry. Dad - if you're reading this - you are the best! I couldn't ask for a better dad, ever!

Halloween is just soo cool in my book. I seem to have a little of a darker side. Honestly though - while I love dressing up and a good scare (great excuse to cuddle with hubby) - my favorite thing is trick-or-treating. I now have to settle for kicks by taking my wee ones out to gather up loot or greet all the trick-or-treaters. I hate having to buy my own bag of candy!

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month is something I never had even heard of until 2003. Suddenly, after burying my first child - I had to make people notice that this is all still too common to take sitting down. I have a shirt, I have written a article for the newspaper, I have helped create a group online for those who need it, & I still will never do enough for this cause. I didn't realize until I lost my son you see, how this is still such a common happening in our society - even with all the medical advances we have. Sure - not each loss is preventable but some are. The grief however is oh so real. Some people can seem to get over it in a matter of days. I, personally, and still trying to find closure, peace, healing, solace. I think this is all too often pushed under a rug or hushed or dismissed for one reason or another. I really have a hard time with that. I could go on & on, but I'll leave it at that for now.

Fall is a welcome relief here in TX. I am thinking soon I will take my little boy outside and rake up the leaves just to jump in them. Fall used to be soo drab in my book & now I see it as another beauty in the change of seasons. It's almost like nature's way of shedding her skin in preparation for the renewal process soon to come in the spring.

Christmas planning always starts early for me because otherwise nothing happens. I am already deciding what to give for some Christmas presents, making a mental note of the baking I want to do, deciding what the family ornament wil be this year, and hating the fact it is sooo commercialized.

If you've read this far I thank you. More to come...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Homeschooling myself on homeschooling...

is my latest passion & cheap thrill. Now before you say I am crazy - hear me out. My husband & I are both unhappy with the quality & experiences we had in the public education system. I als don't want my children learning about things from their peers & educators who may have twisted or warped ways of thinking. I didn't have children just to ship them off to school for hours of precious time I could have with them. I had children to raise them & leave a legacy that I can be proud of. I love to learn and feel that if I had had more freedom & say in my own education I would be much happier with its quality than I am.

Having said that, I am not critizing anyone who uses the public school system. It has its own merits and there is much to be said about the best of the systems. I applaud the teachers who give it their heart and soul for years with little or no recognition. It's a tragedy that we don't recognize their worth and place it above that of a mvoie or tv star or that of an athlete.

No, lately my hobby is devoring any information I can get on the subject and thinking about how I want to approach homeschooling with my children. In essence - I am schooling myself as we speak.

More later,

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Breastfeeding or the lack therof...

Let me start out here by exclaming that I whole-heartedly support breastfeeding moms! I applaud you! I admire you! I truly do! Now let me explain my situation/story...

I recently made the decision that with any future children I would not even attempt to breastfeed but go straight to the bottle with it being filled with formula. I don't want to - even as I say this I cringe thinking about it because I do truly believe in the benefits for baby & mother of breastfeeding. However, after having my 3rd child in January & my 2nd attempt at breastfeeding I have decided it was not worth the cost of mine or my baby's emotional well-being. I have dealt with PPD after each of the birth's of my children and have struggled with the demands new motherhood brings each time. I am lucky if I get a one good meal in sometime during the first few weeks which makes milk supply a issue frequently. Latch on is also a huge issue for me & my babies. I react in turn by getting angry, depressed, fustrated, guilt-ridden, weepy & even suicidal with this & all the other issues at hand. I have often been bogged down in pressure from family & friends to breastfeed and while they do so with good intentions it just makes me feel worse. I have experienced everything in the breastfeeding department from extremem pressure so much as to say I am not a good mother if I don't breastfeed to basically give up. It may seem to the naked eye that I am doing the latter, but I have come to this on decision on my own. I feel the need for emotional stability for myself and a new baby is far more important than if I breastfeed.

I have no clue as to why I am sharing all this except maybe some poor soul will come upon my words & realize she is not alone & if she too can choose this path.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

My purely purple passion

I have a confession to make. For as long as I can remember- I have had a passion for the color purple. It's girly, but not pink. It's hip, it's cool, & it happens to look great on me! I believe when I was 13 we had a painting party and my girlfriends helped me paint my room a nice lilac color. "My" color when I post online on a specific online group is purple. I would love to decorate a lot of my house in various shades of the color but my dear hubby would probably die. I can't wait until I have enough money and my own home because I am hoping to pass on my purple passion to my daughter and then we can do her room in purple.

Am I obsessed? Yes. Ashamed? No.

And you thought your family was strange...

no really - I think mine could top yours anyday. Let me share a few stories to illustrate my point.

*My family & clean sock or toliet paper fights when we were growing up. We lived in Kansas for the first few years of my life and had a fairly spacious kitchen with a high ceiling & a ceiling fan. We would throw the socks or TP at the fan & watch it be flung across the room. Someone on the other side would retrieve it & repeat the process. Interesting, huh!

*My dad - the poor man - is overrun with women in his life. One wife, one sister, five daughters, and two granddaughters - just to name a few of the most important women. Anyhow - on several occassions - he has been kind enough to let his daughters so his makeup or hair. SCARY!

*My grandmother passed away recently and it just happened to be the 4th of July when she passed on. We kept the mood light though by sharing crazy comment such as one of my favorites that my mom kept saying - "She went out with a bang!" Seriously - is that not nutty!

I am sure I could think of more to share but it's late & I am falling asleep as I write this. Anyhow - can your family top mine?


Friday, August 3, 2007

The Good, The Bad, & the Icky...

I have been thinking a lot lately about my role as a mother, how I think I'm doing, what I'm doing good, & how I can improve. I have also had some moments lately where I have just indulged my children & myself in just soaking up those precious moments - good & bad.

The other day while we were having "no tv time" just me & my son, Nate we decided to color together. I tried something I hadn't done before & started drawing a bunch of circles & squares. I asked him"Nate, where are the circles ?, can you point to the circles?" and to my amazement - he decisively looked & pointed to the circles. I had proof for certain that my son recognized one of his shapes. I was estatic. I repeated the process asking him to point to tthe squares & once again he amazed me as he pointed to the squares. I then proceded to ask him to color the circles & he did so & then asked him to color the squares and he went right to work each time. My friends, that is a Good moment, no - it is a AMAZING moment.

I recently discovered that my daughter, Rachel, is extremely ticklish under her arms & I have used this to my advantage quite a bit to get that adorable grin out of her. The newest thing is that if we really get going she really truly laughes & it is the sweetest sound. Another blissful moment is the day of a mother.

The flip side - the Bad though - is this - one day you may discover your child can inflict some serious physical pain like my 2 yr old did yesterday. He didn't mean to of course, but man - he did some damage. He headbutted me & I was laughing at the time so he hit one of my front teeth & managed to also make me split my lip and caused it to bleed pretty badly. The tooth he hit still hurts today, can wiggle quite a bit, & I can't really use it right now to bite into anything. My lip looks like someone took a wack at me. The bad/sad thing is - a two-yr old did this.

My daughter went for her 6th month check-up today and of course, was due for some shots. This is the bad. I would so much rather take them myself than have to hold her still for those. The poor pitful face looking up at me as if to say "Mommy, why are you letting these people do this to me?" It's enough to break your heart.

The Icky is the drool, the spitup, the poop, the vomit & that's just to name a few.

Yes, I must say - motherhood is certainly not dull or for the faint of heart. It certainly has it's perks that no other job can offer.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Art of Doing Nothing

My husband has mastered this pretty well. No, really. I admire this in him though it sometimes is annoying. I have a very difficult time not doing something - especially something productive. However, it seems my husband is slowly rubbing off on me after over 6 years of marriage. I don't think I have accomplished a single thing today except to wash the baby bottles.

I come from a household growing up with a mother who is ALWAYS doing something. The only time she sits still is in church or when she's sleeping (and even then she doesn't sleep much). I taught myself the art of multi-tasking & LOVE the fact that I can say I am doing laundry, changing a diaper, & talking on the phone all at the same time. I have recently however decided to slow it down just a notch & at least just try to focus on one thing at a time. I must say, it is a nice change.

Sooo...with ths in mind I must leave & get back to doing nothing.

Guilty Pleasures

I once brought this up with some of my friends at our Enrichment Scrapbooking group. I don't remember one of my friend's exact words but she said something to the effect that she didn't have a guilty pleasure. I insisted she must have at least one. She decided if she "had" to have one - it would be working her business as a Stampin' Up! Demonstator (do you guys know who she is now - for those of you who know her). She then went on to explain though that she didn't think of it as a "guilty pleasure" because it was something she did for fun, for herself.

I like the idea that it's okay to take care of ourselves & do something for us. I grew up in a home where my mom rarely took time for herself and while it is great in many aspects because she taught me such selflessness - she also taught me it was okay to ignore my needs as an individual.

So- with that said...here are some of my not so guilty pleasures that I shall try to indulge myself in more often...

*Reading a book that really interests me
*Just hanging out with family & friends
*Learning new things that interst me
*Pampering - manicures, pedicures, facials, massages - ahhh so heavenly

What are some of your "not so guilty pleasures"?


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Is There An Art to Simply Simplifying?

WOW - long title to this post on this blog - see the problem, I can't even simplify a title to this post or even simply state that I can't do so - I have to make it not so simple. Have I got ya now? I live for the dream that someday life will be simple. I read books, watch tv shows, & dream about a lifestyle that allows me to breathe for a few minutes each day. I love to organize, find shortcuts, or use tools that supposedly buy me some more precious time or to simplify my hectic world.

I just spent a hour organizng files in a manner that I might actucally allow me to find something when I need it. I have more forks, spoons, & knives than I care to count & I have no clue as to why. I have more washclothes & baby washclothes than I care to even think of counting. I run around in circles all day & get nothing done & rarely feel like I had any real fun.

Please - someone tell me there is a simple way for me to simplify. I still haven't found any magic tricks yet so if you do could you give me a call. Just give me about 10 rings cause I be looking for my phone like always.

Signing off for now,

Missing Utah

For those of us who are LDS and have had the opportunity to live in UT which I affectionately call, "Mormon Country", I hope you know what I am saying when I say I miss Utah. I hated it when I first moved there, though that was mainly due to the fact I was living in the deseret and I had just assumed all of Utah was nice and cold or at least cooler than Texas.

Anyhow, a lot of Church members that I know who have lived there are glad to gone, but I must say I wouldn't mind going back. I love having a temple nearby, I love the shopping at Deseret Book & Seagull Book stores, I love DI (Deseret Industries), I love that I could go to the library and see the Ensign, New Era, & Friend magazines displayed. I REALLY miss being able to check out books from the library by LDS authors.

I don't know what the real purpose of this post is to say except that I am homesick for Utah. Still, the grass is always greener on the other side and I remember being in UT and saying how much I missed Texas.

Bye for now

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Molly Mormons in the house?

I used to hate this LDS cliche. It wasn't until late last night when I was thinking about blogging about this very cliche that I began to see it in a very different light. For me, as many of us LDS women I'm afraid, "Molly" has always been the super mormon woman, she has perfectly behaved children, an immaculate house, 3-course meals for dinner each night (well-balanced of course), she sews beautifully, scrapbooks, bakes her own bread, has her own garden & cans everything, makes sure her family all has 72-hr kits and a well-balanced year supply of food, she always does her visiting teaching the first week of the month, fulfills her callings with zeal, does her genealogy, ....well - you get the idea. I hated "Molly" - there was no way I was ever going to be her.

I just came to a realization late last night though - I don't have to be "Molly" - in fact, our Heavenly Father & Savior would rather me not. We need to be Sally, Angell, Rachel, Lindsey, whoever we are. There in no critieria for the celestial kingdom except to be the best "we" can be. Heavenly Father will understand if my best doesn't include sewing or baking my own bread. Yes, some of these things would be great. We are asked to do some of these very things. However - there is also a time and season for what we can do at one time.

So...to answer the question in the title of this post - no ther is no "Molly" in this house. There is a Sally standing proudly tall as she tries to do all that she can do.

Signing off for now,

Friday, July 27, 2007

Adult Interaction?

I think most of us moms, LDS or not, struggle with the lack of brain stimulation we get after we become moms. I know I have pretty much been a SAHM since I had my first baby & I feel like I am dumber than ever. First off -you have to understand that when we were in the pre-existence I am pretty sure I was at the end of the line when brains were handed out. Pregnancy does no favors for us women either. I personally feel that for each pregnancy I have lost at least a couple thousand brain cells & when you don't have much to start with - things can get pretty bad pretty fast. Now - the highlight of brain stimulation for my day is how to convince my two-year old that food does not make the best decor, or my 6-month old that she will survive for just a minute on the couch while I put brother to bed, so I can at least have some semblance of sanity when my husband comes home. I would love to have a conversation with someone where I can say more than "no" twenty times in a row with no semblance of response or recogintion of what I just said. My dear hubby wonders why I spend so much time online and I keep telling him that it is one of my favorite ways to stimulate my brain . After all, I would love tot talk to him but between school and work he is all talked out at the days end and that would explain why I am chatting right here, right now - in desperate hopes that some poor soul such as yourself will read this and have pity on me.

The latest & greatest on LDS culture

Well, with the coming elections, who knows what could happen. The citizens of the US may just have the opportunity to learn a little more about our culture. I am not here to say I am for or against Mitt Romney becoming President of the United States. I am here to say it is & may continure to create uniques opportunites for members and non-members alike. That being said, I would love to learn how some things originated in our LDS culture.

Here are some examples:
*Green Jello Salad
*Funeral Potatoes
*The LDS film genere

I am a tad brain-dead right now, but I know there is more. Also - why the heck is there not a merit badge for basketball. I am telling you - with the amount of time our men & young men spend playing basketball - you'd think it was a requirement for a merit badge or something.

Signing off for now,

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sacrament Mtg. Woes

Why is it that the one Sunday where almost everyone else's kiddos are quiet as mice my little man decides to be his most unruly yet? Why is it he can whiper "Amen" at the end of prayers at home yet has to shout it at the end of the sacrament prayers? Why is it the one Sunday we make the mistake of sitting near the front he manages to escape me and run up to the front and up to say hi to the speakers and bishopric?

On the other hand - I guess I should count my blessings as he loves to lead the music with his pretzels.

Sigh...someday...just maybe...I shall enjoy sacrament meeting in peace once more but I am guessing it won't be anytime soon.

Mormon Mommy Madness

Yep, that's what I suffer from; aka -ppd. I guess I should start over though. I'm Sally, currently a SAHM to two lovely children ages 2 & 6 months. I really truly do love motherhood; however - I struggle with it demands almost daily & feel it sucking the life out of me it seems.

I am soooo ready to be done having kids & yet - if you are a good mormon mommy - don't you have at least 3 or more. My hubby sure thinks so. He wants a least one more - though I am pretty sure from our conversations on the matter he'd rather have 2 or 3 more. I'm like, yeah right, want me to go insane? I'm practically there.

I can't go anywhere right now without an extra set of arms & even then it's survival of the fittest - literally. Sad thing is - my 2 yr old ususally wins. He's faster, wigglier (is that a word), & has WAYYYYY more energy than I do. I am starting to wonder if it has something to do with the cereal I give him.

I already have a bone or so to pick with Heavenly Father - like why don't you get at least one extra eye & are with each child in your family. Oh wait, I just realized I already know the answer to that . We'd look so ulgy our dear hubbies just might be forced to agree that one or two kids is enough & then where would all thc choice spirits being sent to our homes go?