Monday, August 20, 2007

Attachment style parenting...

I was first introduced to this term by a friend in UT. She was all the way into it! I loved the ideas & openly embraced some of them but was purly fustrated, upset, & hating myself as I struggled to embrace some of the other ideas. Some of the ideas just didn't fit me & my family. Some of them made things worse for us, in fact it seemed. I don't know when or where or how it happened, but suddenly recently - I came to the realization that I wasn't a bad mom if I only embraced some of the ideas or that I couldn't say that I had adapted that ever so new hip thing called "attachment parenting" - I had - took what I needed & moved on to the next style & have now developed what is now the new hip thing - at least for me "Sally style." & suprisingly - it works pretty good for us.

1 comment:

Rebecca King said...

You know, I think that is what it is all about...finding what works best for you and your family and going with it. Even if it is adopting one principle from 50 different ideas. As long as it is working for YOU and you are happy, the children are content, hubby is makes your home a nicer place to be. Good for you!