Friday, August 3, 2007

The Good, The Bad, & the Icky...

I have been thinking a lot lately about my role as a mother, how I think I'm doing, what I'm doing good, & how I can improve. I have also had some moments lately where I have just indulged my children & myself in just soaking up those precious moments - good & bad.

The other day while we were having "no tv time" just me & my son, Nate we decided to color together. I tried something I hadn't done before & started drawing a bunch of circles & squares. I asked him"Nate, where are the circles ?, can you point to the circles?" and to my amazement - he decisively looked & pointed to the circles. I had proof for certain that my son recognized one of his shapes. I was estatic. I repeated the process asking him to point to tthe squares & once again he amazed me as he pointed to the squares. I then proceded to ask him to color the circles & he did so & then asked him to color the squares and he went right to work each time. My friends, that is a Good moment, no - it is a AMAZING moment.

I recently discovered that my daughter, Rachel, is extremely ticklish under her arms & I have used this to my advantage quite a bit to get that adorable grin out of her. The newest thing is that if we really get going she really truly laughes & it is the sweetest sound. Another blissful moment is the day of a mother.

The flip side - the Bad though - is this - one day you may discover your child can inflict some serious physical pain like my 2 yr old did yesterday. He didn't mean to of course, but man - he did some damage. He headbutted me & I was laughing at the time so he hit one of my front teeth & managed to also make me split my lip and caused it to bleed pretty badly. The tooth he hit still hurts today, can wiggle quite a bit, & I can't really use it right now to bite into anything. My lip looks like someone took a wack at me. The bad/sad thing is - a two-yr old did this.

My daughter went for her 6th month check-up today and of course, was due for some shots. This is the bad. I would so much rather take them myself than have to hold her still for those. The poor pitful face looking up at me as if to say "Mommy, why are you letting these people do this to me?" It's enough to break your heart.

The Icky is the drool, the spitup, the poop, the vomit & that's just to name a few.

Yes, I must say - motherhood is certainly not dull or for the faint of heart. It certainly has it's perks that no other job can offer.


Dana07 said...

that is so cool that you want to have no tv time with our cute nate even though i know he is sooooo a tvholic!!! and that he can point out his colors and shapes!!! Rach is so cute and that you have your fun times is also so adorable and that you know her tickle spot!!!
love 4 ever dancedana07!!!!

Elizabeth said...

I like the no tv time idea too but with 5 kids it's hard to get them all together to do something that they are all interested in. One thing is for sure, they all like to watch tv. I like it too and I think that's where my struggle is. I find myself shushing the kids when I'm trying to watch a movie or something else on the tube. My six year old asked me once if I thought he was boring. I felt so bad. I told him, of course he's not boring and he just looked at me and asked, "why aren't you listening to me then?" Doesn't that just break your heart? I need to do better for their sake.

Angie New said...

You have a little girl! Congrats! I am sure she is a doll just like Nathan!
Can you top this one for the yucky/bad moment.....
My 2 year old daughter comes out of her room without her diaper on chewing on something. Josh says to her " Honey is that a raisin?" No daddy, Poop....MmMm...
Sure enough there was poop stuck in her teeth! What a moment!