Thursday, August 2, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

I once brought this up with some of my friends at our Enrichment Scrapbooking group. I don't remember one of my friend's exact words but she said something to the effect that she didn't have a guilty pleasure. I insisted she must have at least one. She decided if she "had" to have one - it would be working her business as a Stampin' Up! Demonstator (do you guys know who she is now - for those of you who know her). She then went on to explain though that she didn't think of it as a "guilty pleasure" because it was something she did for fun, for herself.

I like the idea that it's okay to take care of ourselves & do something for us. I grew up in a home where my mom rarely took time for herself and while it is great in many aspects because she taught me such selflessness - she also taught me it was okay to ignore my needs as an individual.

So- with that are some of my not so guilty pleasures that I shall try to indulge myself in more often...

*Reading a book that really interests me
*Just hanging out with family & friends
*Learning new things that interst me
*Pampering - manicures, pedicures, facials, massages - ahhh so heavenly

What are some of your "not so guilty pleasures"?


1 comment:

Dana07 said...

that is so true!!!